Check out Eric’s appearance on the Foundations Podcast with Chris Decker!

Eric Todd Johnson is a seasoned attorney who has confronted the challenges that arise in billion-dollar business deals and in billion-dollar litigation and prevailed. Until he learned how attorneys confront adversity and prevail, he struggled. Due to poor grades in high school and college, he was working in housekeeping and was rejected by every law school to which he applied. Once he learned how lawyers are trained to overcome obstacles, he slipped into law school, but his grades were so low that he was literally last in his class. Regardless, applying the lessons that professionals are taught to prevail over problems, he rose to the top of his law school class in one of the most competitive environments there is. In addition to his Juris Doctorate degree, Mr. Johnson also has a Masters of Business Administration degree. Mr Johnson is a valued speaker and maintains an active law practice.

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Just let me know who I should send it to and I’ll give you the introductory chapter of my program, Worst To First, for free right now!
